Tuesday, November 24, 2009

All about MEme: My Thankful Four

With MommyBrain, and SupahMommy

(Ok, I know it's Tuesday, but was too busy yesterday to play....)

I'm so thankful for many things in my life, let me try and just pick 4.

My wonderful husband and amazing little boy: These two boys have brought so much love and joy into my life - I never even knew could exist. The feeling of loving someone completely, being loved completely in return, and being able to share that with each other is phenomenal. I couldn't imagine life without either of these two guys - both of whom I cherish every minute I get to spend with them.

My family and friends: In good times and bad, it's those members of your family and your group of friends that you can count on that mean the most. I'm thankful to be surrounded by people that love me, and support me - that have helped to shape who I am and who I want to become. I love the people around me in my life, and am amazed to be blessed by so many wonderful friends.

Health and Happiness: We all have struggles throughout life, many of which I've seen first hand. I always want to be thankful for every day that my little family lives without some of the major challenges that certainly could come our way. We've been blessed with a relatively healthy life, and we so appreciate how lucky we are to be in this category. I also know how quickly that can chage, so I want to live every day to the fullest - taking advantage of every minute we have together. And of course all that brings happiness, which is plentiful in our household. How grateful I am for a smile, a laugh, a hug, a kiss, and even a tear.

(Ok, I'll be a little humorous here). The person who invented the touchless toilets, sinks, and towel dispensers. I am grateful and thankful every time I walk into a public restroom and I don't actually have to TOUCH anything! It's an ingenious invention, and for those of us "germ phobes" that can barely stand to use a public bathroom, these people have made our lives incredibly more accessible, enjoyable, and healthy. God bless whoever you are that invented these things!

At this time of year - I'm mostly thankful that I'm able to enjoy another Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. There's so much to be thankful for, and it's easy to get caught up in the "what I'm NOT thankful for" mess... I hope we all remember in 2010 to count our blessings daily, and know there is so much to be thankful for even in the most challenging times.
I'm thankful to all of you who care enough to read my stories. :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mommy & Me time

My husband is out of town for a few days for work, so the mornings/evenings are just "Mommy & Me" time. I treasure this time, even though I definitely miss my husband, and there are a few things I've noticed in our time together.

- G (most of the time) seems to go easier on us when we are on our own. This goes for my hubby too when I'm out of town. He seems to eat better dinner, easier getting a bath and jammies on, and just overall less struggles. This makes me wonder - when we are both here is it that there's so much attention that he just does what he wants? Or does he realize we are on our own, so he's trying to make it a little easier for us?

- It's hard to remember all the cute things he does! When I'm out of town, I love hearing at the end of the day all the cute things that G has done while I've been gone. So I try to do the same for hubby, but then when I'm talking to him on the phone, I forget! Maybe it's because he does too many cute things (hehe), or maybe it's because I'm losing my mind. I need to start writing these down.

- Being a single parent full time would be incredibly hard. Because I work full time, and have a wonderful husband to share parenting with, I don't think I've fully understood the challenges of a full time single parent. When I'm "on my own" for a couple days, it does remind me how lucky I am to have someone to share the responsibility, someone to watch over him so I can take a shower (or go to the bathroom in peace), or help cook dinner. I definitely have a ton of respect for single parents.

- I love getting 100% of G's attention, and I eat up every second. I don't get to spend as much time with him as I'd like, so these times when I get one on one time with him - I treasure. It's just us. We can eat ice cream if we want. We can watch Caillou if we want (even though I BEG him to watch something else). We can snuggle on the bed for an hour and read 10 books if we want. Or we can run around in circles in the room if we want. I love it. I was tempted to let him sleep in bed with me... but I knew that would just cause problems upon's B's return. So I put him in his own room.

I know a lot of SAHM's get a ton of 1:1 time with their kiddos, and probably read this and say "duh". But... bear with me... I am still learning. :) What else should I be cherishing with our 1:1 time?

(and look at me, I uploaded a photo!)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Mission Impossible

Ok, today's theme is Mission Impossible. What have I been on a Mission to do? What do I find impossible? What about my inner spy?

- Missions I'm on: To close out the year close to my goal at work. It's been a very challenging year, and mostly I'm focused on 2010, but I am on a mission to still do a good job. In this market, that can take every last ounce of hope out of you, but I'm not giving up. It's my mission (and my job), and I'm sticking to it. My other, more personal, mission - is to clean and organize my house. This is a much more difficult mission, and I'm attempting to recruit help. I need it, that's for sure. I made a good step, but I still have a ways to go.

- Impossible Missions: Hitting my goal for 2009 (see note above). Getting the swine flu vaccine for little G. (Are they anywhere??) Avoiding Levi Johnston and Sarah Palin in the news (no thanks to my dear Oprah who has Sarah Palin on the show today). Keeping up with my mail (who sends regular mail these days anyway?). And keeping my house clean.

I try to use my inner spy all the time - trying to keep abreast of all the latest in celebrity gossip so I'm the first one to know the scoop. I also try to hide things like candy wrappers, empty cookie boxes, and new outfits for G from my hubby. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Mostly, I just like reading about spys.

My favorite movie of late is Taken. That guy (the dad - Liam Neeson) is a bad ASS. (excuse my french). I cannot believe how awesome he was in that movie. It got my psyched up, and I wanted to be that bad ass. I also saw that movie Wanted with Angelina Jolie, and realized that besides the fact that I'm a woman, I still COULD kick ass. I just need to learn how. I need to learn how to get clues from a random phone call. I need to learn how to shoot a gun so the bullet curves. I need to learn how to do that awesome driving to get out of any situation. Not that I'll use it often taking G to the kids museum or soccer practice. But I think it would be good to know. Just in case.

The scene in Taken when he confronts the guy he talked to on the phone and reveals his identity and says "I told you I would find you" was almost as good as Jack Nicholson saying "You can't handle the TRUTH!" (one of my all time favorite scenes in movie history. They both sent chills up my spine. Rent it... it's so good.

This message will self destruct in 5 seconds......

Friday, November 13, 2009

Continues to surprise me

I just have to post this, because it reminds me how smart my wonderful little boy is. Sometimes B will have conference calls early in the morning, so will take them from home. Today, after his call, he was sitting on the bed with his laptop, and G came him. He went to sit in the chairs on the other side of the room, and wanted his daddy to come too. Here's their exchange:

G: Daddy come sit in chairs too.
B: Ok buddy, I'll come sit over here.
G: Daddy bring your computer to the chairs to do work.
B: Oh, it's ok, it has to be plugged in over there because the battery is out.
G: I'll go to Target and get you some new batteries for your computer.

Ahh... I love this little boy.

Friends - Part 2

As I've previously mentioned, your friendships definitely change, grow, fade, etc. when your life stages change and your free time dwindles. I also was reminded this week how great it is to have new friends in your life. A friend who understands what you are going through now, that maybe you've never had to go through before. A friend that likes to eat as much as you do, and you know you'll be able to count on to enjoy the best foods in this life. A friend who shares passions with you, but also understands the challenges of incorporating those passions while still maintaining your sanity and your life. A friend who encourages you to pursue your dreams, and continually gives you positive endorsement of your ideas. A friend who doesn't laugh at your embarrassing predicaments. A friend who you can trust. A friend who you can turn to when you are scared, happy, sad, excited, worried, proud, or even just sick.

Sometimes it's the same friend. But more often than not, you find these wonderful qualities in an array of friends. I feel so blessed in my life to have people around me that support me, love me, and consider me a friend to them too. I hope I can live up to my end. And I hope that all these wonderful people know how much it means to me to be able to call you my friends.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It seems that since I've become a mom, my friendships have definitely changed. I've found new friends that have somehow become incredibly close in only a short amount of time, and that share with me not only my passion for little ones, but also share in many of the challenges as well. Some of my "non-mom" friends have actually become closer - even if we don't get to see each other as often. One thing I have learned in being a mom the last 2 years is that free time is pretty much non-existent. Before you had kids, if you wanted to do something, you just did it. Now, when an activity you want to do comes up, you are always CHOOSING between two things... do I go out to dinner with my girlfriends, or spend time with my family? Do I go get a massage, or play with little G? It's hard because now, there's ALWAYS something else you can be doing - most notably spending time with your family. I won't talk about guilt - I'll save that for another post - but I will say I definitely have to determine that whatever is taking me away from my family, has to be worth it.

I've ended some friendships because I just don't have time to spend with people that are not fully engaged in my life, and me in theirs. I have a limited amount of free time, and I want to spend it with people I truly care about. I am sad that some of my "non-mom" friends and I don't get to see each other as often, but I also know it's not ideal to eat dinner out at Red Robin if you don't have your own kid in tow. (Ahh... remember those nice dinners out with wine and conversation). But I also know that those friends are still the ones I can reach out to when I need them - kids or no kids - friends are still there for each other. Assuming they are true friends.

All that being said, I guess in the end what I want to say is that I feel very blessed with the friendships I've made, and the friendships I've kept. Some are more work than others (especially in the making time to see each other category), but they are all rewarding. They give us something we can't get from our husbands or our children, and they remind us that we are not in this world alone. So.... three cheers to all our friends out there - the ones that stick with us through thick, thin, and then some.

Big hugs to all the ones I'm lucky to be able to call my friends.

Monday, October 19, 2009

All About MEme: I've Never

Ok, so am trying this All about MEme, my first attempt - and am a little intimidated already by the topic and figuring out how to link it up. As I think about it, I realize that I too am pretty adventurous, and not sure if I have a great list, but here goes (wish me luck).

I've Never:

- Broken a bone (knock on wood). I always thought it was cool in school when kids would come to class with a cast for everyone to sign. A tiny part of me wished I could get that attention, until I realized it came with pain and now I'm thankful to be a part of this club.

- Uploaded photos or videos from a camera. Call me lazy, or call me technically challenged, or just call me lucky to have a super smart and talented husband that does it all for me. ;)

- Been a shoe fan. (Not sure if this counts). I'm the kind of person that would wear the same 2 pairs of shoes if I could, one casual and one dressy. I get sucked into the hype, and try to impress other people, but really - I'd be happy if I could just go from my outside Uggs to my inside Uggs, and then to flip flops.

- Been arrested. I have gotten a ticket (or two), but never done anything worth being arrested for. Which makes me feel pretty good, and I really hope it stays that way.

- Cooked Thanksgiving dinner. But I am hoping that one day I will be able to make my family proud, and cook Thanksgiving dinner (turkey and all!) for them. For now I just enjoy going over to other people in my family's house and bringing something to share.

How about you? What have you never done?

Friday, October 16, 2009

The joy of a boy

Being a parent to only one child, I really only know the experience of raising a boy. But I do have friends that have girls, and I have noticed a few fun things that you do get to do with boys. I figured there has to be something, because every time I walk into a store it seems all I see are the most adorable little girls outfits. And a few cool things for boys. So maybe play time makes up for it. On this wet Friday - here's my list of Joy's of the Boy's:

- Cars. Everything is about cars (ok, and trains). G LOVES Hotwheels, and many times has to have 2-3 clutched in his hands while he's playing with others. He won't let them go, and it's so cute.

- Forts. G is totally into building forts right now. He loves building them, crawling through them, and then playing cars in them.

- Puddles. Now that the rainy weather has arrived, I'm learning that boys love to get dirty. It's a guaranteed smile creator to find some great puddles. And then drive cars through them.

- Rough-housing. We do all kinds of wrestling at home, but my favorite is going to the bouncy house. You see all the little girls having a great time, bouncing, playing like normal kids. Then you see G - barreling through everyone, sweating like he's in a Bikram yoga class. It's non-stop, and it will definitely put a smile on your face. And of course - you have to bounce too! (And luckily, he did leave the cars at home for this one).

- Snuggling. Ok, this might be my favorite. I know girls are good at this too, but there's something about a little boy snuggling with his mommy. It warms my heart, and is definitely the highlight of my day.

Now I hope some of you with daughters will fill me in on all the cool girly things you get to do (guessing - dolls, tea parties, dressing up?). And I know, I know... in our day and age boys play with dolls, and girls play with cars - but I'm just pointing out some of the fun boy things that WE get to do.

I'll still dream about the dresses and the tea parties though.

Happy Friday!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Yes, it's Friday!! Weekends have definitely become much more loved now that I am a parent. They are a time when I get to spend 2 full days with G and B. Even though our Friday nights have become a little more mundane - we typically are too tired to do anything after a busy week - the weekends are always enjoyable. I try to get my errands done during the week (thank you Amazon Fresh!), so that I have the maximum amount of time available to spend with the family. Even though I love having "open" weekends where we don't have a lot planned, I find that rare as I always want to make sure we are doing something fun. This weekend we are going to the pumpkin patch! It is the one thing that makes me ok with saying good-bye to summer, as not only is Orange G's favorite color, the pumpkins look so great in pictures!

In honor of the weekend, I thought I'd throw out a few of our favorite weekend activities. I'd love to know your favorites too!

- Park (one of G's favorite things to do!)
- KidsQuest and Red Robin
- Other kids areas i.e. Seattle Children's Museum, Crossroads Splash park
- Family classes like Kindermusik, Sponge, etc.
- Kids Cove at Bellevue Square (then I can get some shopping done too!)
- Going out to breakfast or lunch
- Staying home and just playing!
- Festivals / Fairs - Loved Salmon Days!
- Seasonal - Pumpkin Patch, Holiday Lights, Easter Egg Hunts, etc.

Anything else? What do you like to do on the weekends with your little ones?

TGIF everyone!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Terrible/Terrific Twos have hit!

We were wondering when (and praying if) the Terrible Two's would finally hit, and we think it has arrived. In the past couple weeks, G has thrown more than a couple tantrums, and I haven't seen him this inconsolable since his teething days or since his peanut allergy. (We have thought maybe he's getting his two year molars, so really hope that it's that!). But, needless to say, we've had meltdowns over where he wants to sit and eat his snack, which color cup he wants to drink his milk out of, and whether or not he wants to eat dinner. I'm not sure how to handle them, and luckily we have a very verbal child who we know understands us even if he refuses to listen. My patience is being tested regularly, and as a reasonable person - I find it really hard to understand the fit over which color cup to use. All he has to do is say "mom, i'd like my milk in the red cup, please". And he'd get it! Maybe if I can figure out how to get all 2 year olds to do that instead of cry, I could win the Nobel Peace Prize. At least it might be the peace prize for many households.

In contrast to the Terrible Two's, we are also experiencing some of the Terrific Two's. G's personality and person are growing rapidly, and he's amazing us at every turn. This weekend, we were driving in the car when a truck pulled up next to us with a dog wandering in the back. G said to us "That puppy is going to get in trouble, and he's going to be really really sad". We tried to tell him that the puppy wasn't going to be in trouble, he'd be just fine, but G was admant and said it over and over... "No, that puppy's going to get in trouble, and then he'll be really really sad". For the life of us we couldn't figure out why he would say that! Then, a friend pointed out - he knows HE'S supposed to stay in his car seat buckled in while we are driving because it's not safe to wander around (or sit on mommy's lap) while we are driving. We can only imagine that G thought the puppy would get in trouble for wandering in the car while it was moving. Such a compassionate little boy... always thinking about everyone else.

So how do these Terrible and Terrific Two's work in tandem? Well, the terrific parts I'm sure are even more terrific because they are offset by the Terrible ones. And I know that the frustrations he feels are just a matter of him asserting his independence, and figuring out the world on his own. We are there to guide him, keep him safe, love him and support him, and of course - remember the terrific times much more than the terrible ones. Besides... he's only 2 for a year, right?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back to Reality

Well, we made it home safe and sound, and definitely a lot more tired! Those days when vacations were a time of rest and relaxation might still happen in the future, but with a 2 year old in tow, sleep is something you don't get much of. Especially when you share a room! But nonetheless, our trip to San Diego was fantastic. G LOVED Legoland, the ocean, and of course, the pool. And we loved getting 5 uninterrupted days with our little man. We are reminded of the joy in the simplest little things, and relish the time we got to spend with our baby (who's not so much a baby anymore!) A few highlights:

Legoland ended up being perfect for a 2 year old. He had so much fun on the rides, the Bob the Builder show, watching the little Lego towns (a working Nascar raceway!), and playing in the water! We couldn't get him off some of the rides, he wanted to ride them over and over and over. I had to tap out one time to get B to ride with him because I started getting dizzy after the 5th turn. (Tip: Go to an amusement park when all the other kids are in school - no lines!). I was surprised he wasn't scared on any of the rides, and loved every second.

He also loved the ocean! He couldn't stop running in and out of the water, and he loved getting knocked over by the waves. (He's still telling people about it today!). It's amazing to see these little people learning to run and jump, and also with no fear whatsoever. I don't think I was that brave when I was 2.

In the end, it was an awesome vacation, and a wonderful time spent with my family. I'm having withdrawls from being with him (and the sunshine!), but I know it's almost the weekend. Which means 2 full days with my little buddy.

God Bless Vacation - I hope you all can find some time to take it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Legoland - here we come!

One of the things we have always loved to do is travel. And it's made even more fun now that we have a 2 year old in tow. True, our vacations might be a little different, a little less structured, and require a little more pre-planning than in the past, but that doesn't mean they are less enjoyable. In fact, having a 2 year old along for the ride makes you appreciate things you might have forgotten to appreciate.

Such as the beauty of looking out a window, and the fact that you are indeed up in the clouds. Our 2 year old notices this... while I've been on too many airplane rides to really appreciate the view. Or the joy of seeing something like the vast ocean - to a first timer, it's awe inspiring. And just seeing a pure little person, with no judgements, no concerns - interacting with another child that not only doesn't speak their language, but looks a little different. It reminds you that none of that matters, we are all people, and we all enjoy being with each other.

So... since we already subjected Gavin to exploring the world (see Mediterrean Cruise), we thought we'd do something a little more close to home, and a little more centered on him. We are taking him to Legoland! We're also headed for the sunshine (who knew Seattle would have 80 degree weather at the end of September), and we'll spend a bit of time in the pool and on the beach in San Diego. Not only am I so excited to just get to spend 5 days with my family, I love seeing Gavin discover something new. And as I look at the Legoland website, it looks like there will be a lot of things to discover! Check back next week for an update on Gavin's experiences with Lego's, the beach, and possibly the best zoo in the US!

And when you can... stop and look at something from the eyes of your little one. See the wonder, the excitement, the enjoyment of the littlest things. Let them hold an ant. Point out the beauty of a new flower (they are still blooming!). Or see their reaction when you give them a new food to try. It'll remind you how wonderful and exciting the world really is, and hopefully take you away from work, bills, chores, etc. even just for a minute.

Stay Classy San Diego... and Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Random Monday

Gavin is so full of words these days, I'm just going to give you a random smattering of comments today. Enjoy those budding writers, artists, musicians, rocket scientists, teachers, and nobel prize winners that we all call our kiddos.

"I don't like spinach mommy"
"Mommy, you hold The King, I'll hold Lightening McQueen"
"I LIKE Kindermusik"
"Happy Birthday Daddy" (In the middle of grace during dinner)
"I'm not hungry. I don't want any dinner. Oh... Mac and cheese. I want that."
"God Bless You Daddy" (when he sneezed)
"Daddy's Driving. Mommy's riding in her chair" (in the car)
"I want a shake milk mommy"
"I need to put on my belt seat" (the switching words is so cute)
"I love you mommy"

Had to end it with the favorite. Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Marketing to kids

Being in the advertising industry, I know it's inevitable that companies will market to children. I have wondered at what age it really works. Companies can market to their hearts content, but if kids don't actually have any money, is it as effective? I always figured companies would put toys up on commercials so kids see them and say "mommy mommy, i HAVE TO HAVE that dancing elmo" (or whatever the latest craze is). I know it's inevitable, which is one of the reasons I limit the amount of TV that Gavin watches. And I'm grateful for the on-demand shows, because they exclude and/or limit the amount of commercials allowed (and even if there are any, we end up skipping right through them to get to the show).

So, back to my originally question - at what age does marketing to kids really work. Well, I found out today. Every morning, Gavin and I get up, get some milk, and sit down to watch a show. He always gets to pick what he wants to watch - and will tell me whether it's Little Einsteins, Noddy, Caillou, Blue's Clues, Wonder Pets, etc. (Listing some of his favorites...). But today, we sit down, and I say "What do you want to watch?". Gavin looks at me, takes his milk out of his mouth, and says:

"Sprout, Please".

I'm in for it.

Monday, September 14, 2009


One thing you'll notice about my blogging, is that I rarely blog on the weekends. See posting about high tech, low tech, and no tech, and you'll understand why. I spend 5 days a week at the computer for my job, the last thing I want to be doing in the evenings or on the weekend is be at the computer. Sometimes it's a necessity for work, but when I have a choice, I will choose to play with my little boy, talk to my husband, or watch the Sopranos. (Thank goodness Fall TV is about to start!). I know not many people read this anyway, but I'll try to keep it updated throughout the week, and I ask for your forgiveness for missing the weekends. Just know that I'm out there trying to enjoy some time with my family. Because no matter what... your family is what matters most. When friends might move away, and jobs may drop by the wayside... you'll still have your family.

Go hug yours today.

Random Mondays

I feel like Monday's are usually the drained out bottle of the exciting weekend, even if the weekend is dull and rainy like Labor Day, or beauiful and sunny like this last weekend. I'm dedicating Monday's now to random thoughts - hopefully fun little tidbits of the weekend, or just things to get you thinking.

Today, it's going to be things that make me smile:
- Making my little boy laugh
- Hearing him start to use grown up comments (i.e. that's a cute skirt mommy)
- Seeing a group of little ones playing together (or playing randomly as it sometimes is at this age)
- Spending time with friends
- Getting a nice note from a friend
- Kisses
- Having the neighbor girls lean out their window to say hi to Gavin as we walk by
- Watching Gavin practice his jumping
- Knowing that my husband will never be like Tony Soprano
- The love of the two most wonderful boys

I hope you have things that make you smile today, and every day. It's good for the soul.

Friday, September 11, 2009

A hot meal

As a parent of a small child, we can often forget what it feels like (or tastes like might be better) to have a hot meal. Every once in a while, you have to step away, go out for dinner and really ENJOY eating. We were able to do that this week, have a nice adult meal (on 9/9/09), a glass of wine, and yummy food. Even though it's just a couple hours away from home, it can really recharge the soul, the relationship, and the tummy. I am a foodie, and really miss eating out as much as I'd like to (at resturants other than Red Robin and Mexican). I love the unique new foods you get to try at restaurants that you just don't have the time, patience, or ability to make for yourself at home. A yummy tuna tartare... an heirloom tomatoe salad... succulent duck with wine sauce.... and of course good company - that's what keeps the food soul happy.

Having a little one may mean that you eat more mac and cheese, hot dogs, and cold meals than you have since YOU were little, but it doesn't mean it has to end completely. Take a couple hours, find that great local resturant you've been wanting to try (let me know if you need suggestions!), and go have an adult meal. Whether with your significant other, a good friend, or a group of moms also in need of a night out. Get out, eat well, and enjoy that hot meal. You can do the "pick that up off the floor 200 times" exercise tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

High Tech, Low Tech, No tech.

These days, it's hard to find someone that isn't plugged in and online. We have computers, cell phones, digital cameras, PDA's, and more to keep us wired to each other and to everyone. There's Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Blogs, you name it... it's there. Being a mom in this day of high tech-ness means somethings are a lot easier - such as sharing photos with friends and family, taking videos, communicating with family and friends in distant places. But what's the cost of all of this technology? How many "friends" do you have on any of the social networking sites that you haven't seen or spoken to "live" in years? Does it matter? Are we becoming a nation of wired individuals that it's taking a toll on our personal relationships? What will this mean for our kids?

Don't get me wrong, there are definitely a lot of benefits to being wired. How nice it must be to not have to wonder where your kids are at, you just call them. If they are going to be home late, they just call you. Your grandma can't make it to your wedding, that's ok, just stream it live! Gavin gets to Skype with his grandparents when they are in another state. You can't remember if your friends birthday is the 5th or 6th, just look it up on Facebook. You want to go out to dinner, but want to see if you'll like the menu before you go... great - look it up! (When was the last time anyone opened a phone book??). Imagine all the great information you could have at your finger tips for those book reports in high school!

But I do think there are some challenges to be so connected. One... if you don't respond to a voicemail within a "reasonable" (different definition for different people, mind you) amount of time, you are considered possibly dead and thus subjected to even more emails, voicemails, etc. that you don't want to or don't have time to answer. It's difficult to have a conversation with someone who is always checking their blackberry, or their phone, or their computer... you wonder if they are ever really present in the conversation. People rely so much on technology, they forget there is a wonderful world out there of people that actually want to talk to you, see you, and spend time with you. And not spend time with you while you are looking at your phone. It makes me sad every time I experience it, and every time I see it. I am not one to answer my phone just because it rings - I would rather be present in whatever I am doing at that time. My biggest pet peeve is people that talk on their phones for extended periods of time (I totally understand the answer and say "let me call you back" in case it is an emergency...) right in front of your face. Or the ones that would rather surf through the internet then have a conversation with you.

Is technology making us better parents? Or is it creating a barrier that doesn't need to exist? How do we manage it and provide a good example for what our kids should be doing - focusing on personal relationships or virtual ones? My personal opinion... put down the phone, close the laptop, and focus on the people right in front of you. And if there aren't any right in front of you... go find them.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Growing up

Sometimes it's hard to think that my tiny little baby is growing up. He's becoming a little boy. Mind you, he's still two, but every day he gets smarter, wiser, and more independent. I still want to think of him as my baby, and I think he will be until perhaps there's another baby in the house. This weekend we saw a friends' brand new baby (Molly - so cute), and she was SO tiny, it put it in perspective just how big our little boy is now. I barely remember him being so small he couldn't really move. I can't imagine his mouth anymore not full of teeth. And considering the chatterbox that he is, it's hard to believe there was ever a time when he wasn't talking. It seems like every new stage, I say... this is my favorite. It appears that every stage IS my favorite, and my favorite just happens to be this little boy who's grown up from a helpless human being, to one that looks at me when I put lotion on and says "that's nice, Mommy". My favorite is looking into those big green eyes, and seeing the independent little man that still does need his mommy. And I think about how much I still need mine, and it gives me a sense of calm and relief to know it won't end. No matter how grown up he gets.

Friday, September 4, 2009

It's Daddy's Turn

Pretty much since Gavin was born, he's been in "mommy mode". And since he could start talking, it's become even more obvious. My favorite (though probably my hubby's least favorite), was one night when Gavin wasn't feeling well, and wasn't sleeping. Him and I were up for about 2 hours (of course started with the "mommy! mommy! mommy!" from his crib). I was exhausted, and there was no end in sight for him to fall asleep. I finally had to tap out and get daddy in there to try to calm him down. Here's an excerpt of what I heard on the baby monitor as I'm trying to go to sleep:

- "Buddy, Daddy's here"
- "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"
- "It's ok pal, daddy's here. Let's rock in the rocking chair"
- "I want Mommy! I want Mommy! MOMMYYYYYY!" (more screaming, escalating louder)
- "But daddy's here, mommy's sleeping"
- "MOMMY!" ... (pause)... "Bye Bye Daddy... mommy!".

He actually stopped to look and wave at Brian when he said "Bye Bye Daddy". I had to laugh, and sigh, and get up and go see him. Of course as soon as I walked in there, the crying stopped, and he was fine. We rocked again until he fell asleep, and though I felt loved, a part of me cringed at what I'm sure my husband was feeling. Most times when G gets hurt, or needs something, he wants his mommy. "Mommy carry you" is one of his favorite phrases. I've always known that it wouldn't be forever, so I've tried to relish being wanted and needed. But now... the time has come.

It's "Daddy Time". Now he wants to show everything he does to daddy. He wants to sit in daddy's lap, and the other night for the first time he cried for about 5 minutes (with real tears) cause daddy wasn't home to tuck him in to bed. All he could say between sobs was "daddy!". I'm like "but mommy's here... ", in a vain effort to comfort him, eeking some of those feelings in that I'm sure my hubby has felt for the last 5 years. Last night was another shift... Usually Gavin only wants me to feed him his dinner, but not now. Now it's Daddy's Turn. He wouldn't take a bite, until daddy gave it to him. Though I do admit a tiny piece of me is a little sad, I am so happy to see Brian's face light up when Gavin "needs" him. It'll probably take a little getting used to, and I'm sure will even out at some point, but until then - I'll relish in the happiness I see on BOTH my hubby's and my little boy's face when I hear "Daddy Carry You.".

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just makes you laugh...

At G's two year appointment, the doctor was asking all the regular questions about development and such, and I was answering like the proud, prepared parent. G and his daddy were reading a book to distract him through the mundane part of the appt, when the doctor stumbled on his words to listen to G counting to 10. He just smiled and said, "wow, well, I guess his verbal skills are on track. does he have about 100 words?". Uh... not quite. He had about 100 words 6 months ago. A 2 year old with a vocabulary that includes words like "Barcelona", "Bonjourno", and "Arrividerci", and can count to 20, has a few more than 100 words in his repertoire. Just yesterday, he went to take a bite of yogurt, looked at it, and said "that's enormous mommy". And it was. And all I could do was laugh.

Some of my favorite things he's said are so off the cuff, and of course we never get them on camera. He'll throw out an "oh my gosh" or "that's cool", here and there, but it's the fact that he's actually having full thought out comments that astound me. "I'm not going to go upstairs and take a bath, because... I'm going to stay down here and play outside". Or when we say our "God Blesses" before bed, and we get to Grandma Pearl - he looks at me and says "she's sick mommy". (which sadly, she is very sick). His compassion and understanding blow me away. Daily.

We're trying to replace "right now" with "please" - as in "I want some candy right now" to "I want some candy please". It's usually becomes "I want some candy right now please", which I think I can live with. But for now, I think we have a 2 year old that's going on 6. And I love every minute.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The words you don't want to hear

There's a few things in life that are painful to hear. Most of them fall in the category of TMI (the too thin walls at the hotel, the detailed description of your latest food poisoning, the specifics about your latest cervical fluid), but the one phrase that is guaranteed to make people uncomfortable is when you hear "we're trying". Typically, the first thing that comes to people's minds is not the beautiful baby they are trying to conceive, but rather the act of concieving that no one really wants to think about of their friends, family, or other partaking in. But there is something worse than having to hear someone say "we're trying". Having to say "we're trying".

Maybe it's ultimately because you know that the first image that comes to peoples minds is something you don't really want anyone that isn't directly involved knowing about (well, at least I don't). But I think it's more than that. Because to many a woman, it is an admission of a challenge, or to some, a failure. It's admitting that things aren't happening the way you wanted or hoped they would. It's a way to fight back the tears when people ask you when you're going to have a baby (or another baby), and the truth is you have no idea. It announces that it's not as easy as we all think, and that it might not be in the cards for you. It can also be a way to stop the questions, and avoid the comments. Sometimes I try to avoid using those words and substitute with some of my other favorites - "that's not up to me", or "whenever we are blessed with another". I always try to keep a positive attitude, but as many women know who have had a challenge with getting pregnant, it's not always easy. The truth really IS that it's not 100% up to me, and that if we are blessed with another little being in our lives we will be truly grateful. But until then, I try to keep my responses easy going, and not to offer TMI. Just keep in mind next time, as uncomfortable as you may feel when someone says to you "we're trying", it might be 1000% more uncomfortable for them to admit it.

But whether you admit it or not, or whether you have pulled the goalie or have upped the defense... it'll be a much happier world if we all "Keep Trying"!

The only one

Why does it sometimes (ok, often times) feel like I'm the only one that can do certain things in the house. I'm the only one that can throw away trash off the counter. I'm the only one that can throw away things in the fridge that are past their date. I'm the only one that can put out a new box of kleenex... change the toilet paper roll.... water the plants.... unload the dishwasher....refill anything that has been depleted.... you get the picture. I sometimes try to have an internal challenge, to see how long an empty box can sit in the foyer until someone else throws it out. But inevitably, it ends up driving me nuts, and I just throw it out anyway. Often times this drives me crazy, often times it drives me to tears... but I try to remember how lucky I am to have everything that I do, and to not bitch about the little things.

It used to drive me nuts when my hubby would fail to put his dirty clothes in the hamper. He'd sometimes put them ON the hamper, but not in it. Often times, they'd be on the floor. One day I asked him about it - really, it doesn't take that much more time to put it actually IN the hamper. He said it was that he couldn't commit to it being dirty. It was too dirty to hang back up in the closet, but not dirty enough that it couldn't be worn again. I was impressed (and surprised) that there was some actual thought to it, so now I get it. (I may not do the same thing, but at least it's explained).

I just don't know what the value is to leave a moldy tub of leftovers in the fridge. Are we going to try to make our own penicillin?

Every time I get frustrated that I'm the only one that can recycle the junk ads we get in the mail, I try to remember that I am also the only one that can give "magic kisses" to make it feel better, the only one that gets to snuggle in the rocking chair before bed, the only one that gets kisses from the handsome guy I call my husband, and the only one lucky enough to have the family that I do. It's not easy, but I'm the only one.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It happens.

As I looked back at some of these blog posts, I realized it's been quite a while. Blogging takes a lot of time management, even to get a few minutes to post what's happened in your day. Add to it a full time job (that is increasingly stressful), a small child, and wanting to keep some semblance of a marriage - I don't know how people do it! But I'm dedicating myself to even just 2 minutes a day - maybe a coffee break - to post something fun, funny, sincere, or just thought provoking. Now that I've explained my absence, I'll start off with something fun:

Yesterday the family all met up at Farrel McWhirter park for dinner to celebrate my brothers birthday. G of course loved being able to play with his cousins (6 & 3 y/o). They run around all happy and crazy whenever they are together. Last night they decided to go on a walk through the woods (with B as chaperone). Of course the kids are running around discovering everything - though G wanted to touch every single fern along the way once he learned what they were so it was a little slow going. Until... it happened. G discovered something new sitting just off the pathway. And like any little one, he wanted to touch it to see what it was. Now... we don't have a dog, so I guess it's understandable that this would be something new for him at the tender age of 2. He hasn't seen many steaming piles of brown except for the one time he took advantage of a "no diaper" moment with our family room carpet. So he bent down, stuck his fingers right in it and says "what's this called daddy?". It's hard not to laugh, even though your stomach is turning, and luckily they were in the woods with a nearby stream. When B said "NO NO... we don't touch poop!", poor G had the saddest look on his face. Not wanting him to think he'd done anything wrong, B tried to laugh it off and explain, then they went to wash his hand in the stream. That was probably the most fun, because it was cold, and he could touch rocks.

Lesson learned.... S**t happens. And you can always wash it off.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful for Mommy

G and I were reading one of his books he checked out from the library, and one of the pages talked about being thankful. I read the page, and said, "we are thankful for daddy, for melissa, for grandma, and grandpa.. and i'm thankful for you." G turned around looked at me and said "I thankful for mommy". Even though he probably didn't know what he said, or what it meant, it melted my heart nonetheless, and immediately put that warm fuzzy feeling that only kids can give you right in the center of my being.

I am so thankful for little G. And for his daddy. And of course, for all my family and friends.

Friday, May 1, 2009

When to panic?

I am realizing that the saying "days are long, but years are short", is so true, and it hit me the other day when I realized our Trip of a Lifetime is coming... and quickly. In just a few short weeks, we will be off on the adventure of a lifetime... with almost-2-year-old in tow. We are either dedicated parents or insane people to take our little one with us on a trip to Europe. But as I mentioned before, we have always vowed to still do the things we want to do in life, and to enjoy it even more as parents. That means me, the hubby, and little G are headed across the pond!

Granted, we are taking a little easy route by going on a cruise. Just one place to unpack a bag instead of many. But then that little voice comes in my head... what are you going to bring? I know now I cannot bring the whole nursery, so I'm wondering if I should start the picking and choosing now of what goes in that suitcase, and how big I'm willing to let it get. We definitely have some new things to think about when packing - for one the peanut allergy - and how we'll handle that overseas. Do I pack peanut free snacks just in case? Do I print out cards that say "I have a severe peanut allergy" in as many languages as I think we'll encounter. So far I think the answer to both is probably yes. But when I'm packing up enough clothes, shoes, sunscreen, lotions, medications (how many epi-pens should I bring on-board??), toys, and whatnot for the little man, I just hope I remember to bring a bathing suit and flip flops for me. But I suppose there always is shopping just in case I forget a cute outfit or two for myself.

Do you think my husband will wonder why I want to pack all the diapers we'll need for the trip? (And really, it's just so I have the extra room to fit all the things I want to buy over there!!) Shhhh... he probably won't even look in little G's suitcase until we get start to unload the car and he wonders (probably aloud), do we really need to bring everything we own on this trip??

Thank goodness for curbside service.

Please wish me stress-free packing! And tell me when I need to start....

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm not a huge TV watcher... ok, I take that back - I do have some shows that we religiously record and watch after G goes to bed. I still don't think there's a better show that's been on since West Wing, but I am slightly addicted and emotionally tied to a few this year. One of those is every Monday night on NBC... Chuck. I just saw this article on CNN that Chuck might be in peril, and this time not just from Fulcrum agents, but from NBC executives. http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/TV/04/30/save.chuck.show/index.html

Chuck is one of those light hearted, fun, but interesting and well written shows that are hard to come across. Don't get me wrong, I love Lost, Heroes, and 24... but sometimes you just need a little humor with your gun weilding bad guys. That's Chuck. The adorable, loveable, secret Spy that doesn't want to be a spy, all American guy. How can they even think about taking him off the air?? I'm definitely in the Save Chuck camp, and hope anyone that reads this blog will go out there and talk about how much they too love Chuck, or at least how much they love their friend Terri who loves Chuck, so it should be kept on the air! SAVE CHUCK!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I love surprises, and the ones I get from G always seem to make my day. Tonight, as my husband was headed out for dinner/drinks with some friends, me and little G hung at home to make our own dinner and play cars. As B headed out the door, we were saying our "byes" and "love you daddy"'s, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere - our 20 month old son says "Drive Safe Daddy". I turned and looked at him, my husband stopped in his tracks, and G just repeated "Drive Safe. Bye bye daddy". I don't know how he does it... but he continues to amaze and surprise me every day. I think he's a genius.

The Facebook bandwagon

At first I was a little hesitant to join the Facebook bandwagon, but now I'm a full fledged member. Things like Facebook have changed the way we interact with each other, and do everything from sharing our thoughts, our photos, and our friends. I've reconnected with some friends that I didn't realize how much I missed in my life, and am able to keep track of/keep in touch with those that I can't talk to on a regular basis. It's broken down barriers of distance, as well as lifestyles, and allowed us to really become more "social" people, even if only in a virtual world. We are able to share life's ups ("hey look at the cute picture of my little guy") and down's (sad news of a friends passing). We are able to be there for each other in ways we never thought possible. Being a work-at-home employee, my birthday every year was somewhat of a non-event without the office comraderie that most enjoy. This year, however, I had more posts on my Facebook page in one day than I'd had in a year, and people that I hadn't heard from in years were remembering my birthday. Now I try to check each day to make sure I don't miss someone else's, to give them that reminder that people are thinking of them, even if they don't always know it.

There are the downsides - the one "friend" that asked how far along I was based on a picture I posted, even though I was not pregnant (ouch), and the people that you were once friends with posting pictures that maybe you would have been better off not seeing. But the majority of the Facebook world for me is very positive, a helpful tool in some very important cases. When G had a severe allergic reaction to peanuts, I posted it on Facebook and immediately got responses from friends with kids also allergic to peanuts. I received some valuable information, and created a bond with old and new friends that I might not have known existed before Facebook. So it's not all about just posting pictures (those they are my favorite thing to look at!), it's about connecting. And in this world of technology when few people these days know their neighbors, I'm all about rebuilding connections and relationships with those who have touched our lives.

And hopefully it serves as a reminder for many that no matter where you are, who you are, or what you are doing - you can connect to a world of friends in a matter of minutes. So come join the bandwagon and start facebooking.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Being a full-time working mom, one of the biggest challenges I have in life is balance. How do I balance my free time between myself, my husband, my son, and my responsibilities? I find it hard to pull away from the little free time I have with my family, to spend time with friends. I try to find balance with both by doing "family friendly" activities, but where does that leave my friends without kids of their own? And even in one day, I find that those precious hours between work and bedtime, I want to focus solely on my son, and then have an hour or so to focus on my husband before I crash. And what about doing the laundry or going to the drycleaner? Or... better yet... cleaning the house?

Often, it just doesn't happen. I try to balance as best I can the responsibility of work, the joy of my family, and the challenges of keeping it all together. (And keeping myself sane... which sometimes is a bigger issue). I certainly rely more on my friends and my family - and the support of those that I care about the most. (Likely those that are actually reading this blog!) I feel grateful to have these challenges and to even worry about balance - I know I'm not the first, and certainly won't be the last. But it's through the love and support of those around us that we all get through. And hopefully they don't care if there's crumbs on the floor, chocolate on your kids face, or toys strewn around the house when they come over. And if they do.... well, they are more than welcome to help my balance with a little 409 and a paper towel.

I cherish those in my life that support my search for balance, that understand when my family takes priority, and when I can't make it out to that fun girls night out event. I rely on my friends more than ever, and I share the joy in every day life with those in my inner circle. When our wonderful group of parent friends left our house last night, one of the little girls and G were chasing each other up and down the street. As we watched them run with complete joy on their faces, the happiness that only a pure heart and mind can experience... the fascination with running freely (and maybe the beginnings of the excitement of chasing girls (or boys...))... I looked at my friend and smiled and said "now this is why we had kids". All she could do was smile and hug me back.

It's all worth it.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I definitely remember G's first word... mama... and the ones that subsequently followed like "uh oh" and "dada". But then, it became impossible to follow. He was learning new words, some I don't even know where they came from, at an incredible rate. We knew we had something of a genius on our hands when, while in Mexico, he could even say "gracias" and "hola" to the staff at the hotel. And all this before he was even 18 months old.

What really shocked me was the day we were walking up the stairs to take a bath. He was 17 months old, and had been saying quite a few words. As we walked up the stairs, I was counting each one. "One, two, three, four..." when I got to five, G just jumped right in... "five, six, seben, eight, nine, TEN!" with such an emphasis on the last word you would have though he won the lottery. I was speechless. I didn't know he even knew those words, let alone how to count them in that order! We hurried to get the video camera, but of course, shy guy didn't want to do it as well as he did on the stairs.

He surprised me again last night during dinner. I try to get him to eat veggies, even though he usually spits them right back out. I tried to coax him into a piece of a nice soft green veggie, when he pulled it out of his mouth and said "zucchini". It stopped me in my tracks. I hadn't said it to him, maybe in passing at some point, but he just remembered, associated, and said it. It was then that I looked at my husband and said "how much do we have saved for private school?"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Expectations exceeded

I once planned a trip to Italy with my husband two weeks prior to leaving. I'm all about instant gratification. It's hard for me to plan something that cool, and then have to wait for it. I'm the same way with cutting my hair. I wait until I just can't stand it anymore, then have to rush out and cut it all off. I'm sure if I planned ahead, I wouldn't ever get to the point where I need it gone (or need ME gone!) right away. But planning is part of the prerequisite when having a baby. I realized this when, in early October, I thought - I need to get G a passport for our trip to Europe. In June. Now, some credit to me for thinking ahead and knowing how slow our government can be with things like passports. I've stood in many a government line, whether for a passport or a drivers license, where it seems paint dried faster than my number came up. I expected it might take until May to get the passport, so I'd better start now. Especially with all the new restrictions on travel. So, I pat myself on the back for planning so early.

I took the entire day off when we needed to go get his passport. I knew how long it could take. I planned ahead, and packed a bag full of toys, books, and snacks just in case he got anxious waiting (and I was anxious just thinking about it!) Especially the part about trying to get a one year old to sit for a picture. The good news is they now accept passport applications at post offices, and this new thing called the Internet allows you to download the forms you need prior to showing up. I made an appointment and filled out the paperwork. Now we just had to show up and wait in line. We got there.....and it was empty. Wait, what's going on? Where's the big long line? They greeted us cheerfully, and were excited to take G's picture. (Probably a nice change from the snooty folks they get in there that don't have time to smile for a picture, let alone say please and thank you). Although it took about 15 minutes to get him to actually look at the camera when they snapped away, we finally ended up with a pretty good (and pretty cute) picture of my future traveler. I handed them the paperwork, they checked our documents, took our money, and said thank you. I was astonished. We were out of there in less than 20 minutes. Never in my life has something that involved government employees taken less than 20 minutes. I've been on hold longer than that with the IRS. My husband and I looked at each other dumbfounded. We didn't even have to pull out the toy or snack reserves. Hooray!

We thought we had hit the jackpot, but we never expected it to be so big. When I checked the mail a mere 10 days later and found a packet from the government, I almost fell over right there. His passport had arrived. We had expected it to take months, not days. Our shock, and excitement, couldn't be contained, and we told everyone we knew that they could go out and get a passport within a month. Amazing!! Normally you'd have to pay at least ten times the price to get it rushed, which meant a few weeks (which, sadly we have done before, remember how bad we were at planning trips in advance?).

It wasn't until our glee wore down, and we started planning another even earlier trip to Mexico since we COULD, that we thought about why we got it so quickly. Of course it didn't take long. When I applied for my first passport I was 26 years old. They had 26, well OK, maybe 16, years of "stuff" to look through to make sure I was legitimate, hadn't killed anyone, defrauded anyone, or faked my own birth. But this time, they only had 14 months to think through. And maybe, just maybe, he might be the most devious 14 month old ever trying to get a passport, but part of me thinks the background check might be a little smoother when you don't have much background to check. Although, they probably didn't look too deeply to see that G is responsible for many things going missing, and property damage worth quite a bit. But I think I won't press charges, if only to keep his record clean, and his involvement with the government to a minimum.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Everything but the kitchen sink....

I am an habitual carry-on-er. I had rarely taken a flight, even for a weeks stay in cold Chicago, where I had to check my bag. I’ve lost way too much stuff from checking my bags, so I learned to pack well. And I do. I know exactly what to bring and how to get it all into the smallest bag possible. When you travel often for work like I do, you have to learn where to cut corners. That was P.B. (pre-baby). Now… traveling feels more like moving. I think we take more with us when we travel with G than I owned in college. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I can still get MY stuff in one bag, it’s the baby’s stuff that is a little more challenging. And sadly, he can’t pack for himself. Yet. He’s not even 2. We’ll give it a few more years.

The question “what if I need this” takes on a whole new meaning when you are traveling with a baby. For me, I took it too literally and almost ended up packing the whole nursery for our first trip. But after my husband ASSURED me that they did sell diapers, wipes, and yes, even baby clothes (in case the 10 outfits I brought were damaged beyond all repair) in the very remote town of Scottsdale, Arizona, I scaled back a teeny bit. Ok, maybe I was a little nervous. But better to be prepared, right?

A few things I quickly learned about packing with my limited travels with baby:
- Buy diapers and wipes when you get there. They take up a lot of space. (Unless, of course, you need an excuse to have room in your suitcase to buy new clothes. Just think of the space you’ll have when you use up that 40 pack of diapers you packed!)
- The exception: Pack swim diapers if you are going out of the country. Apparently they are considered a luxury in some places.
- Unless you are planning a 2 week trek through the Amazon with no Walgreens in a 100 mile radius – you actually don’t need every lotion or cream you own for baby. Stores will sell you things you might need if it’s required.
- No need to pack a bag full of toys for baby. Kids can make toys out of things you never imagined, and be completely entertained. The empty liquor bottles (sealed of course!) that dad needed to make it through the flight will keep baby entertained for hours. And if you are traveling to visit family – you won’t believe the amount of things people want to buy for baby.
- Always pack an extra outfit (or two!) for the plane ride. Especially if the baby is sick. (oh dear… more on that later).

Overall, traveling with baby is different, and you are thankful for the security lines made just for families when you put your house through the security screen. It makes you appreciate the trips when it’s just you, and you can carry on your one bag and small personal item. Other passengers will look at you in amazement as you maneuver down the tight aisle, cram your bag into the overhead, shimmy your way over other passengers to your seat, smile, and say… “well that was easy”. If they only knew.

It begins....

Being a new mom, I was ready for each new challenge. And this was a big one. We were taking our son on his first flight. He was 7 months old, still small enough that he didn’t need his own seat (yeah! I felt like I was getting something free!), but big enough that I thought we all could enjoy it. We picked an easy trip, Seattle – Phoenix to visit Grandma and Grandpa. I put off packing that week as it usually only took me about 30 minutes to pack my own bag, how much longer could it take me to pack G? As I found out.… quite a bit. Unfortunately we all had been sick that week, so the motivation was even more lacking. We had a car picking us up at 11am, so I figured after breakfast was a good time to start packing. Well, after G’s breakfast. I still couldn’t keep anything down.

I raced around trying to remember everything we needed to bring. Lastly, I packed the diaper bag for the flight. He was still nursing, so I didn’t think we needed much. Diapers, wipes, changing pad, blanket, binky, bottle (just in case), Tylenol, and of course, an extra outfit just in case. A small book to keep him entertained. We even had a brand new stroller just for traveling. I was VERY prepared. So I thought.

I started to realize we were going down that road less traveled pretty quickly into the trip. I waited until just before we left the house to give G a new diaper (see, I’m thinking clearly!), and we were off to the airport. Our driver dropped us on the curb, and I put G in his inaugural ride in the new stroller. We were off! Security is exciting with a baby, you have to practically strip down yourself and the baby – with baby in arms since the stroller goes in – and make sure your traveling nursery gets through too. (Tip: travel off peak business hours to avoid the eye rolling and sighs of business travelers that I used to be guilty of myself pre-baby). When I picked up G out of his stroller, my stomach dropped. I could see the brown spot leaking through his outfit. Then I glanced and saw the wet spot on the brand new stroller. Oh dear.

We hurried through security and I breathed to my husband the words every new parent dreads - “blow out”. We gathered our things and headed to the nearest family restroom to survey the damage. Yikes. One of the worst yet… damage all the way down to his socks. (I realized I forgot to pack a second pair of socks. Oh well, at least we were going somewhere sunny.) We got him cleaned up, changed, and back in the “as clean as possible” stroller quickly, with only minor damage to ourselves. As we headed to the gate, I honestly felt a little relieved. That had to be the worst thing that could happen, and at least it happened in the airport instead of in the air! I couldn’t imagine the alternative.

We boarded the plane no problem, and were on our way. Take off was easy, he nursed just perfectly and seemed like his happy little self – already making friends with everyone around him. I thought – this flying thing is easy! Then it happened. I felt something wet on my leg. I lift up G and notice the big wet spot on my thigh. Oh no. It happened, again. The smell hit me next. As I’m holding him up inspecting the damage, he reaches over and dumps a full glass of water in my husbands lap. Oh what I wouldn’t give to just have WATER in my lap right now. I realized the gravity of the situation when I remembered that G was already in his backup outfit. No new clothes for him, or for me. We both had to just sit in our damaged clothes for the rest of the flight. The walk down the aisle to the bathroom was a little nerve-wracking, hoping no one would notice the spots on either of us. When I got back to our seat, I sat there and prayed that the smell wouldn’t waft too far. G just smiled and giggled at everyone he saw, without a care in the world. It reminded me that nothing was as bad as it might seem when you have a beautiful little baby looking at you like you are their hero (which likely, you are). And I knew then that I was fully indoctrinated into the secret club of moms… those of us that walk around with every sort of bodily fluid on their clothing…. and are able to just brush it off. Two hours later, with a smile, and a sense of relief, we walked off the plane and into the sunshine – our travels with baby had begun.